Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer

Apply Now!


Our goal is to provide services which are complementary to regular veterinary care, to act as a resource to improve the quality of life of dogs, and to educate the public so they can recognize early indications of areas of concern and follow up with their veterinarian or other professional care provider.


The first step on your journey to becoming a Certified Professional Canine Fitness Trainer is to fill out the application form. Once you have submitted the application, it will be reviewed by the CPCFT instructors, who will then contact you via email to either let you know you are eligible, or to let you know you are not eligible at this time and what steps you could take to become eligible. If you are eligible, the email will also provide information about the registration process. Once you complete the registration, you are officially on your way to becoming a CPCFT!

Step 1

Fill out the application form and submit.

Step 2

Watch for an email from the CPCFT instructor team.

Step 3

If you are accepted to the program, you can now register.

Step 4

Start your journey to become a CPCFT on your course start date.